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Tweezers and Cutters

Methods of Making Thin Films for Solar Cells: The Best Cleaners and Tools for the Fabrication Processes

Making thin films for solar cells is a compex, multistep process that requires precise actions, clean surfaces, and accurate tools....

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Nitinol Wire Applications for the Biomedical Industry

Nitinol wire is made of an alloy of nickel and titanium, which has unique mechanical properties that make it attractive...

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Benefits of Improving Nitinol Hardness with Copper Alloy

Introduction  The mechanical and thermal properties of pure nitinol are extremely sensitive to the Ni:Ti ratio. So it should not...

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What Is Gold Bonding Wire's Shelf Life?

Wire bonding is a cost-effective and versatile way to make connections to silicon-based integrated circuits. The technique involves bonding a...

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A Comprehensive Aluminum Wire Sizing Chart & Cutting Guidelines

One of the key variables in the design of an interconnect scheme is the diameter of the bonding wire used...

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Best Tweezers for Building Electronics in Your Tech Lab

When a laboratory is involved in building electronics or manipulating electronic components, it’ll need the right tools to make sure...

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