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Where To Buy Lab Supplies in Los Angeles

Where To Buy Lab Supplies in Los Angeles

Lab Supplies in Los Angeles

As a result of a rich ecosystem of lab supply companies, lab supplies in Los Angeles aren’t hard to find. Nonetheless, finding the best source of lab supplies in Los Angeles is more complicated than it may seem. Some lab supply companies can serve the needs of specific types of customers more capably than others, yet many aren’t forthcoming about whether an individual laboratory’s needs are within their wheelhouse to serve. Thus, knowing a bit about several of the most common types of lab suppliers in Los Angeles will equip laboratories seeking a supplier with the information they need to be a discerning buyer.

Used Supply Resalers

Resalers of used equipment and refurbished supplies can be beneficial options for companies in the Los Angeles area who are looking to pick up discount gear or shelf-stable consumables which don’t need to be of a high quality. Because these resalers purchase their inventory on the basis of where they themselves can find discounted goods, they are able to pass on the lowest prices for customers who aren’t trying to buy in bulk. This means that resalers are attractive options for early-stage companies seeking to buy supplies.

Resalers aren’t the right choice for most laboratories after the earliest stage, however. While a more formidable supplier can guarantee their inventory for certain core goods, resalers are limited by what they can procure. This means that resalers typically can’t offer scalable discounts to companies who purchase in bulk beyond the threshold of what they have on hand to sell. Similarly, resalers can’t afford to offer much in the way of product evaluation or customer service. The products on hand are what they can provide, and the buyer must beware.
Online-Only Distributors Online-only distributors serve the Los Angeles area as well as most other areas in the US. For specialty supplies like for a dental laboratory, online-only distributors may be a good fit because they are likely to have a comprehensive set of products on offer. However, for general laboratory goods, online-only distributors are unlikely to have the most competitive prices or the most beneficial bulk purchasing deals.

Online-Only Distributors

Online-only distributors serve the Los Angeles area as well as most other areas in the US. For specialty supplies like for a dental laboratory, online-only distributors may be a good fit because they are likely to have a comprehensive set of products on offer. However, for general laboratory goods, online-only distributors are unlikely to have the most competitive prices or the most beneficial bulk purchasing deals.

Because online-only distributors are not focused on a particular geographic region, their incentive to provide excellent service to companies within a specific region is minimal.
Furthermore, online-only distributors are incapable of leaning on their logistics network to benefit specific customers. This means that if a customer has an emergent supply shortage, an online-only distributor is likely powerless to provide any help in the time where it would matter the most.

Dedicated Suppliers with Showrooms

Dedicated suppliers who operate their own showrooms in the Los Angeles area are typically the best option for most laboratories. In comparison to other suppliers, dedicated suppliers:

  • Provide better customer service
  • Are capable of reacting to emergent customer needs in a short timeframe using their regional logistics network
  • Can anticipate the product needs of their clientele
  • Can anticipate the inventory stocking needs of their clientele
  • Can offer major cost-savings via bulk purchasing
  • Operate showrooms where customers can examine products before purchasing
  • Ensure that all of their products are high quality

This means that when laboratories work with a dedicated supplier to buy lab supplies in Los Angeles, they maximize their revenues while protecting themselves against unforeseen difficulties stemming from supply problems. Rather than being limited by the inventory of their resaler or the logistical access of an online-only distributor, teaming up with a dedicated local supplier like Lab Pro is a powerful enabler of innovation and industriousness. With the right supplier, laboratories in Los Angeles can attain their goals and cut costs at the same time,
making success significantly easier to attain.

For over 40 years, Lab Pro has been committed to delivering the highest quality supplies to laboratories in the Los Angeles area and worldwide. Come visit the biggest Lab Supply showroom in California, or contact us online or at 888-452-2776.


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