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Cleanroom and Critical Environment

Cleanroom and Critical Environment

Differences Between a Medical Mask and a Fabric Mask

The first cases of COVID-19 occurred in Wuhan, China. Since the outbreak, the WHO (World Health Organization) is recommending people wear masks when they are out in public because the number of COVID-19 patients continues to increase. By wearing a mask, you can lower the spread of the virus.

We know now that the virus transmits from one person to another through droplets. With a mask, you can avoid inhaling those droplets because they'll stay on the first layer of your mask. A mask is not only saving you from the virus but also others if you are already infected. Wearing a mask simple provides a protective barrier between you and the virus. There are two types of masks; medical masks and fabric masks. They are both suitable for different scenarios.

Who Should Wear a Medical Mask?

Some of us assume a medical mask is only for doctors, nurses, and other health
Medical Mask and a Fabric Mask
workers. Yes, it is, but doctors advise people having COVID-19 symptoms and their caretakers to wear it too. There are different symptoms of COVID-19, but the most common symptoms are as following:
  1. Coughing and sneezing
  2. Fever
  3. Flu
  4. Difficulty Breathing
  5. Loss of sense of smell and taste
  6. Fatigue
We hear news all the time about different countries seeing significant increases in the number of COVID-19 patients. Some places are densely populated, so social distancing is nearly impossible there. People located in these areas 100% need to wear a medical mask.

According to the CDC, people aged 60 or above have a high risk of getting infected, so elders should wear a medical mask. Besides a medical mask, you need to restrict visitors and provide your elders with a regular health checkup from a professional.

A medical mask is also necessary for people with health issues like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, blood pressure, and cancer. People with these diseases can face complications, including heart failure, multi-organ failure, etc.

Who Should Wear a Fabric Mask?

A fabric mask is also known as a non-medical mask. These masks are less expensive than medical masks, but doctors don't recommend them to everyone. You can wear a fabric mask when you don't have any COVID-19 symptoms, or your hometown has only a few active cases of COVID-19.

Moreover, people who are close in contact with a bunch of people can use a fabric mask. You can also use a fabric mask on public transportation (taxis, buses, trains, airplanes, etc.), grocery shops, and most workplaces.

You may notice cashiers, social workers, service providers (delivery boy, security guard, etc.) wearing fabric masks to protect themselves. In short, you can use fabric masks in places where the exposure to and cases of COVID-19 are low.

A mask is not the only precaution you should take during a global health emergency. You need to wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap for around 20 seconds before and after touching potentially exposed surfaces. Also, avoid touching your nose, ears, eyes, and mouth because the virus can get inside your body through them.

Guide to Wearing a Mask

A mask will not do you any good if you are not wearing it properly. Wearing a mask incorrectly is like not wearing a mask at all. Below are some important points you should keep in mind while wearing a mask.

  • Make sure the mask fits properly on your face; cover your nose, chin, and mouth completely.
  • Don't keep it too tight or too loose; make sure you can breathe through it.
  • Avoid touching the outer layer of your mask, especially when you are out.
  • Wash your hands before wearing a mask and after removing it.
  • Throw the mask in a bin after using it.
  • Wash fabric masks with warm water and anti-bacterial soap (after every use).

Bottom Line

Coronavirus is a serious health threat to many. The virus can indeed be fatal for some and completely ineffective on others, but that must not stop you from practicing protection and precaution. Some researchers claim that the virus is changing its form too.

It's become essential to take all necessary precautions no matter how clichéd or ineffective they may seem in the current situation. Using proper mask precautions are not only for you, but to help keep others safe as well.

For over 40 years, Lab Pro Inc. has been committed to providing medical masks in California and worldwide. To learn more, visit the biggest Lab Supply showroom in California, or contact us online or at 888-452-2776.

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