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Cleanroom and Critical Environment

Cleanroom and Critical Environment

How to Wear a Medical Mask Safely

In 2020, the whole world is in a fight with the new COVID-19 pandemic. The WHO (World Health Organization) reported this disease in December 2019 and announced the COVID-19 outbreak as a global health emergency shortly thereafter. COVID-19 is transmitted from one person to another through ingested droplets in the mouth and nose. An infected person may wipe their nose and touch different surfaces with the same hand, transferring the virus to every person who touches that surface.

The Coronavirus can survive on surfaces for several hours, but you can kill the virus by using an ordinary disinfectant. The current situation in the world is at a critical level. On June 6, 2020, the total number of active cases was currently more than eight million. The number of deaths worldwide due to the virus had crossed the four hundred thousand mark. Evidence suggests the best way to control the outbreak of COVID-19 is to cover your face and wash your hands as frequently as possible.

With the help of a medical mask, you can lower the chances of getting the infection. However, you have to follow some protocols, even when it comes to wearing a medical mask. Below are some helpful tips to make sure you wear a medical mask safely and get the desired results.

Wash Your Hands Before Touching the Mask

Wash your hands for 20 seconds – that should be your standard procedure. You can use any soap to wash your hands or use a sanitizer. The idea is to disinfect your hands before touching the medical mask. For instance, if you touch your medical mask and have the virus on your hands, you can quickly inhale infected particles while breathing through your medical mask. Remember, this virus needs a path to enter your body, and that path can be your mouth, ears, nose, and eyes.

Inspect the Mask for Holes

Every textile and pharmaceutical company is now mainly manufacturing medical masks at a fast pace. So, quality control might not be as effective as it is during standard manufacturing. When buying a medical mask, inspect it carefully to see if there aren't any holes in it.

Find the Top Side: Where the Stiff Edge Is

The edge of a medical mask contains a thin bendable metal to close the nose area properly. Keep the flexible area on the upper side of your face and pinch the stiff edge area on your nose. This way, you're closing the nose area and blocking the path for the virus to enter. If your medical mask doesn't have bendable metal around the nose area, it will leave an opening for the virus to enter.

Ensure the Colored-Side Faces Outwards

When you wear a medical mask, the light color area should be inside because it has multiple layers, and every layer has different functions. The first layer blocks water, the second blocks dust and germ particles, and the third absorbs moisture. Wearing your mask inside out (lighter side outward) will nullify the purpose of wearing it.

Cover Your Mouth, Nose, and Chin

The primary purpose of a medical mask is to cover your nose, mouth, and chin.
Ensure that the mask is tight and closes every area because the droplets of the virus only need a small passage to enter your body.

Adjust the Mask to Your Face without Any Gaps

Some medical masks are loose on some face structures, but you need to fill those gaps and fit them accurately. There are many DIY tutorials on the internet to help you fix your mask on your face correctly. Some people suggest using a bobby pin to keep the medical mask tight on your face with no gaps.

Avoid Touching Your Face

The right approach is to keep your hands away from your face. Droplets of the virus can stay on your hands, and if you touch your face, they'll easily enter your body. According to WHO (World Health Organization), the leading source of most virus infections is your hands. Even if you wear a mask all day long and touch your face frequently, you still stand a chance of getting infected.

Remove Your Mask from Behind Your Head or Ears

Removing your medical mask from the front is a mistake. The outer layer of the medical mask contains all the germs on it. When you remove the mask with your hands from the front, you touch the outer surface and may get the virus on your hands. Then, when you touch your face without washing your hands properly, you'll get infected. Experts advise people to remove the mask by holding the ear string and slowly removing it.

Keep the Used Mask Away from You or Surfaces while Removing

A used mask can carry the virus, especially the outer layer. By keeping that mask on a table or any other surface, you stand the chance of transferring the virus from the mask to the actual surface area.

Throw the Used Mask in a Bin

Medical masks are only to be worn one time and then disposed of properly. Reusing a medical mask after disinfecting it is not advised. The best thing you can do to stop the virus from spreading is to discard the mask directly into a bin with a lid or throw it into a garbage bag after every use.

Wash Your Hands after Discarding the Mask

Remember, when you're out with a mask on your face, you're still interacting with other surfaces with your bare hands. There's a possibility that the virus may still be on your hands, so be sure to wash your hands even after throwing away the mask. Scrub every surface of your hand with a bar of anti-bacterial soap for at least 20 seconds.

Bottom Line

Without a doubt, a medical mask is essential to lower the risk of COVID-19 infection, but you need to maintain a safe distance of 6 feet from people around you as well. The outbreak of COVID-19 requires several precautions, especially in the workplace, so if you have any further concerns, please reach out to one of our Lab Pro Inc. experts and they'll be more than willing to help provide you with the products you need to stay safe.

For over 40 years, Lab Pro Inc. has been committed to providing medical masks in California and worldwide. To learn more, visit the biggest Lab Supply showroom in California, or contact us online or at 888-452-2776.

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