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Cleanroom and Critical Environment

Cleanroom and Critical Environment

How to Ensure Proper Employee Safety When Returning to Work

With no current vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease COVID-19 and the pressure on businesses to get their employees back to work, it's created a peculiar situation for everyone. No one wants to go back to an unsafe environment; companies are quickly adapting office spaces and purchasing the correct cleaning products, while educating employees on the best ways to minimize exposure risks. Employee education on COVID-19 is one of the critical factors for a safe return.

By reading this article, you'll learn the vital information you need to share with your employees for a safe return, and you'll get several product recommendations to assist in maintaining the safety of your workforce while in the office. It's never been more important to stay vigilant than this moment in time. Take action now to ensure the safety of your employees later.

Basic COVID-19 Safety Tips

The best way to prevent coronavirus COVID-19 is to avoid exposure. Increased risk occurs through coughing, sneezing, and talking in close proximity. If an employee finds out that they've been around someone with a fever, it's best to stay safe and stay out of the office.

Step 1: Wear a Mask

The best way to stop the spread of COVID-19 is to wear a face mask. Be sure the mask covers your mouth and nose and fits snug to the face. Taking the proper precautions by wearing a face mask in public places is essential to stopping the spread of coronavirus. By wearing a mask, you're not only protecting yourself but also guarding the people around you. Dispose of face masks often, as this lowers the risk of infection.

Step 2: Stay 6 Feet Away

Distance is always a good idea, as some people without COVID-19 symptoms may
be able to spread the virus still. Keeping a safe distance reduces the risk of accidental fluid ingestion, and it helps to keep clothing from getting contaminated with the virus. Avoid people who are sick and stay out of confined areas. If you need to sneeze or cough, be sure to cover your mouth and nose with your face mask, and then dispose of it properly afterward. Be sure to disinfect with hand sanitizer immediately after as well.

Step 3: Wash Your Hands

Use soap and water for at least 20-seconds. Sing the Happy Birthday song when washing, as that's typically enough time to be safe. When possible, use a hand sanitizer to kill all the germs. Buying hand sanitizer in bulk will save you time and money in terms of ordering.

Step 4: Don't Touch Your Face

According to healthcare studies, the average person touches their face 16 times per hour. Touching your face after touching an infected surface is one of the fastest ways to transmit the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). If you do need to touch your face, use hand sanitizer before doing so.

Step 5: Monitor Your Health

Know how you feel and take your temperature with a contactless thermometer daily before going out in public. Not going out when you have a temperature is an essential step in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Be alert for shortness of breath, cough, and fever, which are all symptoms. If you have any symptoms, or are unsure how you feel, do not enter the workplace as you may put coworkers at risk. It's better to be safe and stay home.

Step 6: Keep Work Surfaces Clean

Disinfecting and cleaning surfaces with alcohol wipes is vital to maintaining a safe work environment. Even with the reduction in employee headcount, COVID-19 is so contagious that if it's on a surface and someone touches that surface and then touches their face, it can spread through the entire office rapidly. Areas of concern in the office are sinks, faucets, keyboards, toilets, desk phones, countertops, and doorknobs. Be sure to use alcohol wipes to kill all the germs.

Having professionals disinfecting your office is recommended when possible. It's virtually impossible to avoid contact with people and places because, at some point, everyone needs basic life essentials, i.e., water, milk, bread, etc. The best way to avoid getting infected with COVID-19 is to follow the necessary health safety steps shared above. By everyone working together, we can all help keep everyone safer and healthier.

For over 40 years, Lab Pro Inc. has been committed to providing medical safety and cleaning products in California and worldwide. To learn more, visit the biggest Lab Supply showroom in California, or contact us online or at 888-452-2776.

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