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Chemicals and Solvents

Chemicals and Solvents

Top 5 Uses of Xylenes C8H10

Xylenes is an organic, volatile hydrocarbon. If you have ever encountered this substance, you’ll agree that it is a sickly sweet-smelling one but it can be quite useful actually. A lot of industrial sectors, including family products, dentistry and medicine are making wide use of it.

It is a powerful and effective chemical that has innumerous benefits, but is the most popular as a lubricant, cleaning solution and as a thinner in painting.

However, a word of advice is to refrain from having direct contact with it because xylenes is also an irritating and inhalation hazard.

Chemical Properties of Xylenes

The chemical properties of xylene are as follows:

  • Melting point- 47.4 degrees C
  • Boiling point- 138.5 degrees C
  • Molecular Density- 0.864 g/mL
  • Molecular weight- 106.16 g/mol
  • Linear Formula: C6H4(CH3)2
  • CAS#: 1330-20-7

Top Uses of Xylenes

U.S is one of the major producers of this chemical and they most commonly derive it from crude petroleum. Xylene is quite useful in both its compound and state form and you will note a vast number of industries employing it in their products.

Let’s look at its top 5 uses below:

1. Staining and Processing Tissues

Since historical times, xylene has been a popular aid in processing and staining tissues. In microscopy, these tissues are quite a prominent feature and a super helpful resource for histopathology technicians. They observe these tissues and determine whether or not there are any diseases.

Xylenes is a suitable element for this process because it has high miscibility with paraffin, which is a requirement for fixed tissues. Tissues become transparent easily when one subjects them to xylene. It also helps remove remnant wax from the slides and works well as a clearing agent.

2. Lubricant

Xylene is also a powerful lubricant. Hence, one can use it in brake fluid and motor oils too and industries commonly use the stronger solvent characteristics when producing leather, gum and graphics. If you ever look at tobacco, petrol, adhesives, sealants, antifreeze, waxes, polishes, hair thinners, color and engine petroleum lubricants, you’ll find xylenes as an important element in them.

3. Concrete Sealer

Concrete is a very much a decorative material these days and you will see it featuring in a lot of concrete surfaces. Xylene is again a popular carrier or sealer solvent in such products and one can apply this chemical in three ways.

Depending on your cleaning or antiquing method when stamping your concrete, you can choose one out of three ways of applying xylene.

4. Crown Xylenes

Xylenes is a helpful element in painting as well. You will see it at work as Crown Xylol, which is the alternate name for xylene. It popular features in enamels, thinning paints, alkyd resins and varnishes. You will often come across people specifying it as a thinner for coatings and specialty paints.

This chemical is quite similar to toluene but you will find the evaporation rate nearly five times slower.

5. For Garage Floors

If you have stubborn substances on the garage floors, you can get rid of them with the help of xylene. It is a powerful agent in clearing off tough substances. It is also quite a cost friendly product because it comes from petroleum and is thus a cheaper substitute to oil-based products, like paints.

    Cautions When Using Xylenes

    It is important to take come precautionary measures when working with xylene. These include:

    • Immediately exit the area in case of a xylenes leak or spill
    • Ensure you remove all sources of ignition, including static discharge, hot surfaces, open flames and sparks before you begin working with xylene
    • In the area where you will be using xylene, post a ‘No Smoking” sign before you begin.

    Where Can You Purchase Xylenes

    You can find a variety of local manufacturers and suppliers of high-quality xylene products in your vicinity. You can also find many online stores, such as Lab Pro Inc. for your xylene product purchases.

    For over 40 years, Lab Pro Inc. has been committed to delivering the highest quality chemicals, distance learning kits, lab supplies, and cleanroom PPE apparel to medical device companies and laboratories worldwide. To learn more, visit the biggest Lab Supply showroom in California, or contact us online or at 888-452-2776.


    1 thoughts onTop 5 Uses of Xylenes C8H10

    1. avatar Jeannie Pinion says:

      Can u use it to clean cheap counter tops?

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