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Chemicals and Solvents

How to Promote Lab Safety When Working with Chemicals?

Did you know? 3 out of 5 laboratories face a chemical-related accident each week. From spills, slips to dangerous chemical...

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How to Choose the Best Cleaning Solvent for Your Medical Device Lab

Choosing the right cleaning solvents for your medical device lab is one of the most important factors for an effective...

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Why Ensuring Glucose Oxidase Temperature Stability Is Important When Manufacturing CGM Devices

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices provide a way to improve the quality of life for diabetes patients. As their name...

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What Is The Difference Between Hydrogen Peroxide 30% and 35% ?

Overview Hydrogen peroxide, the simplest peroxide, is a commonly used inorganic chemical. An oxidizer that breaks down to just oxygen...

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What Are The Differences Between Denatured And Non-Denatured Ethanol?

Ethanol, or Ethyl Alcohol, is a clear, colorless, flammable liquid with high volatility. Produced from the dawn of mankind, alcohol...

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Using Butyl Alcohol vs. Isopropyl Alcohol for Cleanroom Sterilization

Meeting sterilization standards for a cleanroom can be a difficult task, especially when the cleanroom is new or staffed with inexperienced technicians....

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