Dymax EMAX 99001 Glass-to-Metal Polyurethane Glue Adhesive Clear 10 mL Syringe - E-MAX 99001 10ML MR SYRINGE

SKU: E-MAX 99001 10ML MR SYRINGE  Adhesives,Adhesives by Dymax,
Dymax EMAX 99001 Glass-to-Metal Polyurethane Glue Adhesive Clear 10 mL Syringe
Dymax EMAX 99001 Clear is a UV/light curing, glass-to-metal adhesive designed for bonding glass, plastics, aluminum, copper, ceramics, and stainless steel. It contains no solvents, cures in seconds, is moisture-resistant, and exhibits high adhesion properties. 10 mL Syringe.