1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-Naphthol Solution, 0.1%, In Ethyl Alcohol,500 ML - 24921Clarity of solution, Suitability as indicatorCAS #:85-85-8UN#:UN1170Ship Name:ETHYL ALCOHOL SOLUTION,Formula:C!5H!4N-N=N-C!1!0H!6OH
Methylene Blue Solution, 0.05% Aqueous,500 ML - 24801Suitability as indicatorCAS #:7220-79-3UN#:CHEMICAL NShip Name:METHYLENE BLUE AQUEOUSFormula:C!1!6H!1!8N!3ClS.3H!2O
Dichlorofluorescein Solution, 1% In Reagent Alcohol,500 ML - 24586Clarity of 1+9 dilution in alcohol Passes test, Suitability as adsorption indicatorCAS #:76-54-0UN#:UN1170Ship Name:ETHYL ALCOHOL SOLUTION,Formula:C!2!0H!1!0Cl!2O!5
Calmagite Solution, 0.1% Aqueous,500 ML - 24441Suitability as an indicator for MgCAS #:3147-14-6UN#:CHEMICAL NShip Name:CALMAGITE INDICATOR SOLUTIONFormula: